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Top 5 Foods to Avoid in Scorching Summer Heat! 🌞🔥

As the mercury soars beyond 45 degrees this summer, everyone is looking for ways to stay cool and comfortable. While air conditioners and fans are on full blast, what you consume also plays a crucial role in how your body reacts to the heat. Here's a list of five foods and drinks you should avoid to keep the sweat at bay and stay cooler during the hot days:

  1. Coffee: Starting your day with a hot cup of coffee might be a ritual for many, but in this heat, it's a no-go. The caffeine in coffee stimulates your adrenal glands, causing your body to heat up and produce more sweat, especially under your arms and palms. Opt for cooler, caffeine-free beverages instead.

  2. Spicy Food: Who doesn't love a bit of spice? However, spicy foods trigger excessive sweating and can increase body temperature. Foods prepared with raw or dried chillies should be particularly avoided as they can make the heat unbearable.

  3. Sugary Foods: Sweet treats and sugary drinks may seem like refreshing choices, but they actually cause your body to sweat more. Additionally, they can disrupt insulin function, leading to higher blood sugar levels. It’s better to steer clear of high sugar content foods in the summer.

  4. Alcohol: A cold beer might seem like the perfect way to cool down, but alcohol consumption in the heat can dehydrate your body and increase your core temperature, leading to even more sweating.

  5. Soda: Carbonated soft drinks provide temporary relief, but the high sugar content can be detrimental. Drinking soda can increase your body’s sugar levels and lead to more sweating. It's advisable to drink more water or natural coconut water instead.

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