The BJP has taken aim at the Congress party's decision to stay away from exit poll discussions. Senior Congress leader Pawan Khera announced that the party would not participate in exit poll debates, prompting responses from BJP Chief JP Nadda and the party's chief strategist, Union Minister Amit Shah. They suggested that the Congress's move indicates an acceptance of defeat.
Amit Shah, responding on the platform 'X,' stated that the Congress knows it is facing a significant defeat. "How will they face the media and the public? That's why the Congress is running away from exit polls. I urge them not to run but to face defeat and introspect," Shah remarked.
JP Nadda criticized the Congress's decision, saying that the oldest party in the country is behaving childishly. He likened the Congress's attitude to a child whose toy has been taken away and emphasized that as the largest opposition party, Congress should show a certain level of maturity. Nadda also stated that the Congress is avoiding exit polls because they expect the results to favor the BJP.