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The Ancient Tradition of Clapping From Prahlada to Devotion

👋 Clapping is an age-old tradition in human society, used in various contexts like celebrations, expressing joy, and praising others. In religious practices, clapping is an integral part, especially during bhajans and kirtans. Let's dive into the origins and significance of this practice, rooted deeply in Hindu mythology.

The Origin of Clapping Linked to Devotee Prahlada

According to Hindu mythology, the tradition of clapping began with Prahlada, a devout follower of Lord Vishnu. Prahlada's father, Hiranyakashipu, despised Prahlada's devotion to Vishnu and destroyed all musical instruments used in his bhajans and kirtans. Despite this, Prahlada continued his devotion by clapping his hands to maintain rhythm. This innovative form of devotion was then adopted by others, becoming a widespread practice in religious ceremonies.

Religious Significance of Clapping

In Hinduism, clapping during bhajans, kirtans, and aarti is a way to express devotion and unity among devotees. It is believed to fill the environment with positive energy and drive away negative forces, making the prayer space sacred. Clapping also helps in maintaining focus and mental tranquility during meditation, allowing devotees to concentrate fully on their prayers.

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