The new government has taken office in Andhra Pradesh after a sweeping victory by the TDP-Jana Sena-BJP alliance, which secured 164 seats, limiting the YSRCP to just 11 seats. Today, Nara Chandrababu Naidu was sworn in as the Chief Minister of AP. Following him, 24 members of his cabinet took their oaths.
From the TDP, Nara Lokesh, Atchannaidu, Kollu Ravindra, Ponguri Narayana, Vangalapudi Anitha, Nimmala Ramanaidu, Farooq, Anam Ramanarayana Reddy, Payyavula Keshav, Anagani Satyaprasad, Kolusu Parthasarathy, Dola Balaveeranjaneyaswamy, Gottipati Ravi Kumar, Gummidi Sandhyarani, BC Janardhan Reddy, TG Bharat, S. Savitha, Vasanmsetty Subhash, Kondapalli Srinivas, and Mandipalli Ramprasad Reddy were sworn in.
From Jana Sena, Pawan Kalyan, Nadendla Manohar, and Kandula Durgesh took the oath. From BJP, Satyakumar Yadav was sworn in.
This new cabinet includes 17 new faces, with three women. The cabinet also represents various communities: 8 from BCs, 2 SCs, 1 ST, and 1 Vaishya community leader.