Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood, needs no introduction. From having no film industry background to becoming the "Badshah" of Bollywood, SRK has carved out an iconic career. Not only does he have a massive following in India, but his popularity spans across the globe. At 58, Shah Rukh Khan remains incredibly fit and youthful, competing with the younger generation of actors. Recently, he shared the secret behind his fitness and lifestyle habits with his fans.
SRK revealed that he only eats one meal a day as part of his daily routine. He mentioned that his day starts quite late, compared to most. "When American actor Mark Wahlberg wakes up, that's when I go to sleep. I usually go to bed around 5 AM and wake up around 9 or 10 AM. I quickly get ready and head to my shoot, returning home around 2 AM. After coming home, I work out, take a shower, and then sleep. This is my daily routine, and I only eat one meal a day," he said.
Shah Rukh also addressed the gap of four years during which he wasn't seen on screen, admitting that his fans were disappointed. However, he promised not to take such a long break again and is now making up for it by working on back-to-back films.
After Dunki, SRK is reportedly set to star in a film titled King, directed by Sujoy Ghosh. The movie will also feature Abhishek Bachchan, Fahim Fazli, and SRK's daughter, Suhana Khan, in key roles.