Hyderabad: The much-anticipated film, Prabhutva Junior Kalasala Punganur-500143, starring Pranav Preetham and Shagna Sri Venun, is set for a grand theatrical release on June 21. Directed by Srinath Pulakuram and produced by Bhuvan Reddy Kovvuri under the Black Ant Pictures banner, this film is based on a real-life incident and revolves around a teenage love story set in an intermediate college.
At the recent grand release press meet held at Prasad Labs, Hyderabad, the cast and crew shared their experiences and expectations for the film.
Director Srinath Pulakuram expressed, "Releasing 'Prabhutva Junior Kalasala Punganur-500143' on June 21 is a big day for us. We faced many difficulties bringing our film to this
point, but it feels like a great victory. This film will appeal to all audiences, including youth and families. We have not compromised on quality and took great care during rehearsals and workshops. We even taught our artists the Rayalaseema dialect by taking them to our village, Punganur. Our passion for cinema drove us to create this project. I'm proud to bring recognition to my hometown through this film."
Producer Bhuvan Reddy Kovvuri shared, "I had no connections in the film industry. When I met Srinath, I realized his passion for cinema and decided to support this project. Despite being a small production, Srinath’s dedication ensured we made a quality film. I believe he will soon make big films. Thanks to everyone who supported us financially and emotionally."
Heroine Shagna Sri Venun said, "I'm excited to debut as a heroine in 'Prabhutva Junior Kalasala Punganur-500143.' Director Srinath guided me to deliver a good performance. We enjoyed working on this film like a family. I request everyone to support this beautiful movie."
Hero Pranav Preetham added, "This film is special in our lives. Shooting in the beautiful village of Punganur was a pleasant experience. I never dreamed of being a hero, but this opportunity has been amazing. Director Srinath has given us all a new life. I hope the audience will appreciate our work when the movie releases on June 21."