Prashanth Varma, who gained pan-India recognition with 'HanuMan', is moving forward with grand plans for his next project. After his blockbuster hit, Prashanth is teaming up with Bollywood star Ranveer Singh for another pan-India project titled 'Brahmarakshas'. Following the success of 'HanuMan', he announced that there will be a sequel named 'Jai HanuMan' and mentioned that more movies with multiverse stories are in the pipeline, boosting his brand image tremendously.
The shooting for 'Brahmarakshas' has already begun on the sets located on the outskirts of Hyderabad. This set was initially built for 'HanuMan'. The team is using this set for the primary scenes of 'Brahmarakshas', focusing on glimpses to pique audience interest. Ranveer Singh has allocated four days for this project. The team plans to showcase these glimpses to increase anticipation for the movie. Produced by Mythri Movie Makers, more updates about this project will be revealed soon. The collaboration of Prashanth Varma and Ranveer Singh has raised expectations for the film, and fans eagerly await the official announcement.
Prashanth Varma, who impressed audiences with the unique concept of 'HanuMan', aims to bring an even more distinct storyline with 'Brahmarakshas'. There are huge expectations surrounding this project. Prashanth's name is expected to make a significant impact in Bollywood as well, thanks to his innovative ideas and storytelling. His success with 'HanuMan' has garnered him considerable recognition in the North Indian industry, attracting major producers willing to invest in his vision. However, Prashanth is known for his meticulous approach and only gives the green light to projects with a solid script. Currently, he is focusing on bringing multiverse stories to the big screen, and everyone is eager to see what successes he will achieve in the coming days.