Poco has launched another stellar smartphone, the Poco F6, with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8S Gen 3 processor. Packed with a 5000mAh battery and 90W turbo charging support, this 5G phone is priced at ₹29,999. It boasts a sleek design, a dual rear camera setup, and a bright AMOLED display.
Key Features:
Snapdragon 8S Gen 3 Chipset
5000mAh Battery with 90W Turbo Charging
50MP Primary Camera with OIS
6.67-inch AMOLED Display
Available in Classic Black and Titanium Glow
8GB RAM + 256GB Storage: ₹29,999
12GB RAM + 256GB Storage: ₹31,999
12GB RAM + 512GB Storage: ₹33,999
First Sale on May 29 with special offers reducing the price by ₹4,000.
📢 YouTube Description: "Experience the power of Poco F6! Launched with Snapdragon 8S Gen 3, 90W turbo charging, and a stunning AMOLED display. Available in Classic Black and Titanium Glow. First sale starts on May 29 with special discounts! PocoF6 5G TurboCharging NewLaunch"
YouTube Tags: Poco F6, 5G Smartphone, Snapdragon 8S Gen 3, Turbo Charging, New Phone 2024, Poco Launch, Best Smartphones, Tech News, Affordable 5G, Flipkart Sale