'Guntur Kaaram', an action-packed family drama starring Mahesh Babu became of the super hits of the year. Leaked set pictures from the filming of 'Guntur Kaaram', featuring Pooja Hegde, have stirred up a buzz online. These images, capturing moments from the earlier stages of production, have gone viral when Pooja Hedge was the part of the film.
Mahesh Babu's action-packed family drama flick, 'Guntur Kaaram', kicked off the year with a bang, captivating audiences and having a successful run at the box office. Alongside Mahesh Babu, the film has a talented cast, including Sreeleela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Prakash Raj, and Ramya Krishnan.
Initially, the film was announced to star Pooja Hegde as the female lead, with Sreeleela cast in a supporting role.Â
However, a delay in the making led to Pooka Hedge being unable to find the dates for the shooting. Sreeleela eventually stepped into the role of the leading lady, while Meenakshi Chaudhary was brought on board to portray the second female lead.
Recently, pictures of Pooja Hegde from the sets of 'Guntur Kaaram' surfaced online. Fans were taken aback by the unexpected leak of these images and couldn't help but speculate on how the film would have been if Hegde had retained her role as the main lead. Many expressed curiosity and pondered the scenario, imagining the dynamic between Mahesh Babu and Pooja Hegde on screen and what impact Pooja Hedge could have had with Sreeleela as the second lead.
During the promotional event of another film, Naga Vamsi, who is also the producer of the film, also clarified that due to the film being shot at a slow pace and there being a delay in its release, Pooja Hedge could not find the dates for its shooting due to other committed Bollywood projects lined up.
While the film did not had the success compared to the magnitude Mahesh Babu's films have had in the past, the leaked images gave a fascinating glimpse into the world of casting and filmmaking, leaving fans eager for more insights into the process behind one of their favourite movies. Currently, the movie is being streamed on the OTT giant Netflix in multiple languages.