The upcoming romantic drama "Alanaati Ramachandrudu," starring Krishna Vamsi in the lead role, is already creating a buzz with its promotional content. Directed by Chilukuri Akash Reddy and produced by Haimavathi and Sriram Jadapolu under the Hainiva Creations banner, the film features Moksha as the female lead. The latest addition to the film’s promotions is the heart-touching "Nanna" song, launched by blockbuster director Hanu Raghavapudi.
The "Nanna" song, composed by Shashank Tirupati, is a beautiful and emotional melody. The heartfelt lyrics by Chilukuri Akash Reddy add to the song's appeal, creating a touching tribute to fathers. The vocals by Anjana Balakrishnan and Shravi create a feel-good vibe, enhancing the song's emotional depth.
The movie boasts an impressive cast, including veteran actors Brahmaji and Sudha, along with Pramodini, Venkatesh Kakumanu, and Chaitanya Garikipati in significant roles. The film's promotional content has already garnered a positive response, and the release of the "Nanna" song is expected to elevate the anticipation further.
With its promising cast and crew, along with the touching music, "Alanaati Ramachandrudu" is set to be a heartwarming addition to Telugu cinema. Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy the beautiful "Nanna" song!