A heart-pounding encounter with a 12-foot King Cobra in Karnataka left locals in awe. The sight of the massive snake, hood spread and hissing, was enough to make anyone's heart race. However, thanks to the swift actions of wildlife officials, the situation was safely resolved.
🐍 The Incident:
In the village of Agumbe, locals spotted the gigantic King Cobra crossing the road. Terrified by the sight of such a large snake, they watched as it slithered into a compound and climbed up a tree. The villagers immediately alerted the forest department.
🐍 Rescue Operation:
Ajay Giri, the field director at Agumbe Rainforest Research Station (ARRS), and his team arrived promptly. Demonstrating great skill and bravery, they managed to capture the snake. It was then placed in a rescue bag and later released back into the forest in the presence of local residents and forest officials. Ajay Giri shared the video of the rescue on Instagram, where he frequently posts videos of his snake rescues to his 13,000 followers. The video of this particular rescue quickly went viral, with many netizens commenting that they had never seen such a large snake before.