Kannada cinema's star director Prashant Neel has carved a niche not just in the South Indian movie scene but has captured a pan-Indian market with his films. His achievements with the "KGF" series and "Salaar" have set high benchmarks. In a recent interview, he provided exciting updates about the much-anticipated sequels, "KGF Chapter 3" and "Salaar 2."
Prashant Neel confirmed that he is currently working on "Salaar 2." He discussed "KGF 3" as well, mentioning that the scriptwork is already completed but filming will take some time due to existing commitments of the actor Yash and producer Vijay. He confirmed the production of "KGF Chapter 3" is definite but mentioned taking a short break before moving from "Salaar" back to "KGF" to finalize things with the hero and producers after completing "Salaar 2." These comments have gone viral, sparking excitement among fans.