Kerala's legislative assembly, led by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, unanimously passed a resolution on Monday to change the state's name to 'Keralam.' This proposal urges the central government to recognize the new name officially. While the opposition suggested some amendments, the resolution saw unanimous support from all parties. Last year, a similar resolution was sent to the central government but was rejected, prompting the new resolution.
Changing a state's name requires constitutional amendments and approval from the central government. Chief Minister Vijayan mentioned that the previous proposal requested changes in the first and eighth schedules of the constitution. However, the central government insisted only on changing the first schedule.
Vijayan emphasized that 'Keralam' is the name in Malayalam, while the constitution mentions 'Kerala.' The assembly's unanimous demand is to make the necessary constitutional amendments immediately. The term 'Keralam' is historically significant, reflecting the unified demand of Malayalis since the national independence movement.