Kamal Haasan, the legendary actor known for his stellar performances and significant contributions to Indian cinema, is now embroiled in a controversy involving allegations of deceit. Recently, producer Linguswamy lodged a complaint against Haasan with the producer's association, accusing him of not fulfilling a promise related to the film "Uttama Villain."
Directed by Kannada actor Ramesh Aravind, "Uttama Villain" was released in 2015 but did not perform well at the box office, causing significant financial losses to its producers, including Linguswamy and investor Subhash Chandra Bose. They claimed that Kamal Haasan had agreed to work on another film to compensate for the losses but has since failed to deliver on this promise, leaving them with unfulfilled commitments and financial burdens.
The producers assert that despite repeated requests, Kamal Haasan has not provided dates for the new project, exacerbating their financial woes. The situation has led to a formal complaint, and the producers are now seeking justice through the association, emphasizing the need for accountability in the industry.