🍏 It is known that apple is very good if eaten every day. If you eat an apple every day, you can stay away from the doctor. 🚑 Apart from that, there are many benefits as well. 🌱 Many chronic problems can also be checked. 🩺 Apple contains other nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A. 🌿
🍏 Similarly, apple juice also contains all these nutrients. But there are many other benefits of drinking apple juice. 🌍 Some types of problems can be controlled with apple juice. 🌟 Drinking this juice prevents the problem of anemia. 💖
🍏 If you give a spoonful of apple juice to small children.. Diarrhea will be controlled. 👶 Sometimes problems like heartburn, sour belching, gas, indigestion are coming. 🍭 To get relief from them.. Just drink apple juice with cardamom and honey. 🍬
🍏 By drinking apple juice, you can get control from burning in urine and burning in stomach. 💦 People suffering from brain diseases and neurological problems also have good benefits if they drink apple juice. 🌈
🍏 Those who are suffering from the problem of jaundice drink apple juice.. the problem will be controlled. 📸 Even those suffering from phlegm will get relief if they drink this juice. 💨 In the same way, if you drink apple juice.. health experts say that sexual power will increase. 💪