The Telangana High Court has issued notices to K.T. Rama Rao (KTR), the MLA from Sircilla and the working president of BRS, in response to two election petitions challenging his election. The court has also served notices to the Chief Electoral Officer and the Returning Officer of Sircilla. The petitions, filed by Congress candidate KK Mahender Reddy and Lagishetty Srinivasulu, claim that KTR did not disclose certain facts in his nomination, rendering his election invalid.
The petitioners brought to the court's attention that KTR did not explain how his son, K. Himanshu, acquired properties in his name. They argued that while KTR's election affidavit stated that his wife and minor daughters depended on him, it failed to mention Himanshu, who turned 18 last year and thus, should not depend on KTR financially. Himanshu reportedly paid ₹10.5 lakhs for four acres in Venkataapur, Siddipet, and ₹88.15 lakhs for 32.15 acres in Erraballi. The petitioners questioned how Himanshu could afford such large sums without his father's financial support.
The court noted that omitting truths in the election affidavit violates Section 123 of the Representation of the People Act and goes against the Supreme Court's ruling in Rukmini Madgouda vs. Election Commission of India. Justice Namavarapu Rajeshwara Rao ordered KTR, the Chief Electoral Officer, and the Sircilla Returning Officer to file counters within four weeks and adjourned the hearing.