In light of the recent resignations from AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) following sexual harassment allegations, Tamil star Vishal has voiced his support for the victims and called for similar actions in the Tamil film industry. Among those who resigned were prominent members like Mohanlal, Jagadish, Jayan Cherthala, Siddique, and others, with General Secretary Siddique also stepping down due to the accusations.
Speaking about the Hema Committee Report, Vishal expressed his shock at the revelations and the plight of women in the film industry. He emphasized that those who misuse their power by promising roles in exchange for inappropriate behavior should not be spared. "If anyone tries to exploit you under the guise of offering film opportunities, don't hesitate—give them a tight slap!" said Vishal, encouraging women to be bold and stand up against such actions.
Vishal also revealed plans to establish a committee similar to the Hema Committee in Kollywood to address these issues. "We are preparing a plan to set up such a committee in Kollywood as well," he said.
Today, on his birthday, Vishal celebrated by offering food to the elderly and later addressed the media with these strong statements, highlighting his commitment to bringing change in the industry.