The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has once again extended the deadline for free Aadhaar card updates. According to UIDAI, UID holders can now update their Aadhaar cards without any fee until September 14. You can update your Aadhaar details for free on the myAadhaar portal. Offline updates will still incur a fee of ₹50.
Until September 14, you can update your Aadhaar card details like name, address, photo, and other information for free on the UIDAI online portal. This is not the first time UIDAI has extended the deadline. It was previously extended from December 15, 2023, to March 14, then to June 14, and now to September 14.
How to Update Aadhaar Card for Free:
Log in to myAadhaar Portal:
Go to myAadhaar Portal using your 16-digit Aadhaar number.
Enter the captcha and click on ‘Login using OTP’.
Enter the OTP received on your linked mobile number.
Access the Portal:
Once logged in, choose the ‘Document Update’ option.
Current resident details will be displayed.
Upload Necessary Proofs:
Select identity proof and address documents.
Upload the required proofs.
Submit Your Request:
Click on ‘Submit’.
The update request will be accepted after generating a 14-digit Update Request Number (URN).
Make sure to update your details before the deadline to avoid any fees!