King Nagarjuna, known for his versatile acting and as the host of reality show Bigg Boss Telugu, has amassed immense wealth over the years. The Akkineni family owns the prestigious Annapurna Studios, and Nagarjuna has several convention centers across Hyderabad. He also runs the Annapurna International School of Film and Media, an NGO dedicated to film education.
Nagarjuna’s assets in Hyderabad are extensive. His luxurious home in Jubilee Hills alone is valued at ₹50 crores, while his film studio is worth ₹200 crores. Nagarjuna's garage boasts an impressive collection of luxury cars, including a BMW 7 Series (₹1.5 crores), an Audi A7 (₹90.5 lakhs), and a BMW M6 (₹1.76 crores).
Among India’s wealthiest actors, Shah Rukh Khan tops the list with a net worth of ₹6000 crores. Nagarjuna holds the third position with an estimated net worth of ₹3600 crores. He charges between ₹20-30 crores per film and earns significantly as the host of Bigg Boss Telugu.
Nagarjuna also has a keen interest in sports and has invested in the Indian Badminton League by owning the 'Mumbai Masters' team.
On the film front, Nagarjuna was last seen in "Na Saami Ranga" released this year and is currently busy shooting for his upcoming film "Kubera."