CM Jagan criticized TDP chief Chandrababu. CM Jagan spoke at the election open meeting held at Nandyala on Thursday. Speaking at the public meeting, Jagan said, "We have seen Chandrababu's lies and frauds in the past. Asking even those who did not vote. I ask you to think about whose rule has been good for your family. Think before you vote. Are you all ready to defeat the Babu alliance? Are you all ready to prevent Naravari's rule? He asked the people. Think in terms of farmers, elderly, and social groups. Even the blind think. Go home and think about your homes, your children, your grandparents. By whom and under whose rule did good things happen to your family? Which ruler has the heart to do good? Think about it. CM Jagan asked the people to think and take the right decision. Are you all ready to cast two votes for Fanu once again and win 175 out of 175 assembly seats, 25 out of 25 Lok Sabha seats... in total 200 out of 200 seats and form a double century government? People were asked.
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