Preparations for the swearing-in ceremony of Andhra Pradesh's new Chief Minister, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, are in full swing. The ceremony is scheduled for June 12 at 11:27 AM. Chandrababu Naidu, who attended the swearing-in of Prime Minister Modi and several central ministers in Delhi on June 9, will return to Amaravati today at noon.
Upon arrival, he will head directly to his residence in Undavalli. The arrangements for the swearing-in are being rapidly completed near Keserapalli, close to Gannavaram. These preparations are being overseen by TDP state president Achchennaidu and Chief Secretary Neerab Kumar Prasad.
High-Level Attendance and Security
The event will see the presence of Prime Minister Modi, other state Chief Ministers, and VVIPs. Under the supervision of five senior IAS officers, the preparations are progressing swiftly to ensure no security issues arise. Special attention is being paid to the travel arrangements of the dignitaries. Governor Abdul Nazir will administer the oath of office to Chandrababu Naidu. All arrangements are expected to be completed by June 11, with a trial run scheduled for the night.
Amaravati's Transformation
Chandrababu Naidu's previous tenure saw the construction of key buildings in Amaravati, such as the Secretariat, Assembly, and High Court, in Thulluru, Tadepalli, Undavalli, and Gannavaram. However, over the past five years, the area saw no further development, leading to overgrowth and wilderness. The current administration is working hard to clear the weeds and bushes, restoring the capital region's appearance.
The CRDA officials have been clearing the jungle-like areas over the past three days, supervised by Chief Secretary Neerab Kumar Prasad. Post-swearing-in, Chandrababu Naidu is expected to focus on directing construction activities in Amaravati and addressing the pending rental payments to Amaravati farmers with the Finance Department. He has also emphasized the importance of sanitation in both villages and towns.