Winner Pallavi Prashant had announced then that he would give the prize money of Bigg Boss title to the poor farmer Kutambala. After that, the netizens satirized strongly as there was no practice on this. He recently shared two videos saying that he is keeping his promise. In this, Prashant distributed Rs.1 lakh to a poor family along with enough rice for a year. Bigg Boss contestants Shivaji, Sandeep Master and Bhole Shawali also attended this event. On this occasion, the farmer gave a gift to Shivaji. He recently shared a photo related to this. Netizens are posting funny comments after seeing this gift.Pallavi Prashanth put a can of brewed coffee powder in Shivaji's hand. Shivaji laughed at this. The audience of Bigg Boss knows very well why Shivaji was given a coffee can by the farmer's child. Because Shivaji fought a big battle in the Bigg Boss house for coffee. He also warned Bigg Boss that if he does not send the coffee powder, he will leave the house. Bigg Boss kept sending boxes of coffee powder all the days Shivaji was in the house. Shobha Shetty also made a big fuss for this. Shivaji hid the coffee powder many times in his place. Prashant said that he gave Shivaji a box of coffee powder as a gift.🎥✨