In a dramatic turn of events, a woman from Mulund, Mumbai, named Reema Patel, attempted to take her own life by jumping off the Atal Setu bridge. Reema had booked a cab from Mulund, and during the ride, she asked the driver to stop near the Atal Setu bridge. She then walked towards the railing with the intention of jumping off. However, the alert cab driver noticed her intentions just in time and grabbed her by the hair, preventing her from jumping.
Within seconds, a patrolling police team arrived at the scene, thanks to the driver's quick action. The traffic police officers, who had been monitoring the bridge through CCTV cameras, rushed to the spot and managed to save Reema as she was about to jump.
The entire incident was captured on the bridge's CCTV footage, showing the cab driver holding onto the woman’s hair while the police rushed to her aid. This quick response by both the cab driver and the police has been widely praised, and the video of the rescue has since gone viral on social media.
This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and timely intervention, which can make the difference between life and death.