The prestigious "Kalavedika NTR Film Awards" is set to honor the exceptional talents in the film industry on June 29, 2024. Named after the legendary actor Padma Shri Dr. Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, this grand event will take place at Hotel Daspalla in Hyderabad. Let’s dive into the details of this star-studded celebration!
Organized by Kalavedika under the leadership of R.V. Ramana Murthy and in association with Raghavi Media, the event promises to be a spectacular affair. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu recently launched the event's poster, inviting cine stars, NTR fans, and other prominent personalities to grace the occasion.
The Kalavedika NTR Film Awards will recognize outstanding contributions across all sectors of the film industry. This event is set to bring together top celebrities and dignitaries, making it a night to remember. Chandrababu Naidu expressed his best wishes to the organizing team, highlighting the significance of celebrating cinematic excellence in NTR’s name.
The gala event on June 29th will feature an impressive lineup of guests from both the film and political arenas. Stay tuned for more updates and details about this highly anticipated celebration of talent and creativity in the film industry.