Young hero Aakash is all set to star in the action-packed entertainer Talwar, directed by Kashi Parashuram and produced by E.L.V. Bhaskar. The film's shooting began on Monday with a formal pooja ceremony in Hyderabad. Notable figures from the film industry attended the event, with star writer Vijayendra Prasad giving the first clap, and director K.S. Ravindra (Bobby) switching on the camera. Hero Karthikeya handed over the script to the director, while Uppena fame Buchi Babu Sana directed the first scene.
The guests wished for the film's success and expressed their hope that it would be a big hit. The director revealed that the regular shooting will start soon and promised that Talwar will be a unique experiment in the action entertainer genre. More details about the project will be announced shortly.